Number of ratings: 15

Author: KOZÁK Milan
Technique: oil painting
Theme: genre themes,
Measurements: 50cm x 70cm
Year of origin: 2010
8 500,00 Kč
(345,85 €)
Delivery: 5-6 days
Shipping: 0 - 99 Kč
Packaging: 0 Kč
Viewed: 3123x
Number of ratings: 9

Author: KOZÁK Milan
Technique: oil painting
Theme: figural themes,
Measurements: 30cm x 40cm
Year of origin: 2014
4 500,00 Kč
(183,10 €)
Delivery: 5-6 days
Shipping: 0 - 99 Kč
Packaging: 0 Kč
Viewed: 3067x
Number of ratings: 10

Author: KOZÁK Milan
Technique: oil painting
Theme: other, act,
Measurements: 60cm x 80cm
Year of origin: 2018
10 000,00 Kč
(406,88 €)
Delivery: 5-6 days
Shipping: 0 - 99 Kč
Packaging: 0 Kč
Viewed: 3300x
Number of ratings: 12

Author: KOZÁK Milan
Technique: oil painting
Theme: other,
Measurements: 60cm x 40cm
Year of origin: 2019
6 500,00 Kč
(264,47 €)
Delivery: 5-6 days
Shipping: 0 - 99 Kč
Packaging: 0 Kč
Viewed: 3253x