Asta di opere - Immagini per la vita

Special charity auction of works by Ján Dobrík. The auction contains X works of art that were created exclusively for this purpose in order to help those in urgent need.
The entire proceeds from the auction will be donated to support the startlab's Beacon of Hope campaign, the goal of which is to raise funds for the purchase of a high-quality cinema system and the production of a library in the oncology department.
Through them, Svetielko wants to bring joy to child patients and prepare the same experiences as their healthy peers.

Di più Podmienky kampane

Ján  Dobrík is a Slovak actor who was born in Banská Bystrica and has lived in Žilina for many years. He graduated from the VŠMU in Bratislava and uses his acting talent not only on the stage, but also on television and in film. Ján Dobrík worked for 13 seasons at the Žilina City Theater, where he won admirers with his talent and enthusiasm for acting. He is currently a member of the SKD Martin ensemble. In addition to theater, you can also recognize him from his appearances in Slovak television series. He is an exceptional actor with the ability to convey emotions and stories to the audience and make the Slovak acting scene visible.

In addition to acting, he is also involved in photography. He is the author of the photo book ILÚZIE, where he presents portraits and documentary photos of actors and actresses. These photos capture the moments, situations and emotions associated with the theater, and are supplemented with quotes from the theater plays in which he was able to act during his years at the theater.

Ján  Dobrík is not only an exceptional actor, but also an artist who materializes his creative talent in other artistic genres. After his son began to be treated for an oncological disease, together with the children he began to discover the potential of artistic expression and the first emotionally powerful abstract canvases were created.

"It started a few months ago as a joint activity with our children during the days when we were all at home together. I showed the canvases to a few friends and to my surprise they ended up hanging in their homes. To the question "what for" I said IT'S UP TO YOU, ALL THE MONEY I RECEIVE FOR THE PICTURES WILL GO TO THE LIGHT OF HOPE."

Ján  Dobrík's work is an example of the importance of art in a person's life. He can not only absorb but also persuade and address, he can heal and help. Ján Dobrík's inspiration is life. The courage and strength of the author transformed into works of art is an image of his indomitable spirit. His life attitude and work can be a model of how to fight with a difficult life situation marked by a serious illness of a child.

Numero di valutazioni: 21

l'autore: DOBRIK Jan
Tecnica: aerografo
Argomento: astrazione,
Dimensioni: 60cm x 60cm
Anno di origine: 2024
Visualizzato: 392x
L'inizio: 13.05.2024
Fine: 19.05.2024 20:09
Seguaci: 0